Why create Joy Mountain Flag?
Sometimes our days are full of darkness. Our times are times of war, earthquakes, starvation, every kind of violence—what space remains for joy?
Times of joy have a unique beauty. Songs of joy need to be heard in our world. Such songs matter most when hope itself is on the verge of destruction. When we reach out to those in need, and suddenly their world is more secure, joy appears.
The journey to joy begins when we cast aside the illusions that make us small inside, and set our sights on something greater. When our lives seem to have little meaning, days can feel empty. In such moments, in their silence or in their thundering, our hearts long for something beautiful, joyful, whole.
Light shone in the darkness before the dawn of time. Darkness has not overcome it. There remains a spirit of joy who fills us with hope. When our hearts are open to joy, we move from loneliness into communion with everyone who lives in joy and love. We are wanderers, but we have a greater purpose. We have a high destiny, one worth defending with all our strength. We lift our eyes to the heights, to all that speaks of eternal love and divine glory, a place at once both veiled and full of splendor, unseen yet deeply known.